IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

SuperELAN Spanning Tree Protocol (SEST)

This chapter describes SuperELAN Spanning Tree Protocol (SEST) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.001 Cfg BPDU rcv frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.001 Configuration BPDU received frm source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received from the specified MAC address.

Cause: Another SE bridge on the same network as this bridge on this port.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.002 Tcn BPDU rcv frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.002 Topology change notification BPDU received frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change notification BPDU has been received from the specified MAC address.

Cause: Topology change has been detected at or downstream of the sending bridge.

Action: None needed, the message should stop when the topology change is acknowledged by the root bridge.



Short Syntax: SEST.003 Ukn BPDU type BDPU_type rcv frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.003 Unkown BPDU type BDPU_type received frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A BPDU with an undefined value in the BPDU Type field was received from the specified host. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.004 BPDU bad ID Protocol_Identifier frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.004 BPDU bad protocol identifier Protocol_Identifier frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received with a Protocol Identifier that is not 0000. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.005 BPDU bad ver Protocol_Version_Identifier frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.005 BPDU bad Version Protocol_Version_Identifier frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received with a Protocol Version Identifier that is not 00. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.006 Cfg BPDU trunc ( length byt) frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.006 Configuration BPDU tuncated ( length bytes) frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received which is not the proper bytes in length. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.007 Cfg BPDU unk flg flags frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.007 Configuration BPDU unknown flags flags frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received which has undefined bits set in the flags field. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.008 Tcn BPDU trunc ( length byt) frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.008 Topology change notification BPDU tuncated ( length bytes) frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change notificaton BPDU has been received that is not the proper bytes in length. It will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error at remote bridge.

Action: Correct remote node.

Cause: Data corruption in received packet.

Action: Eliminate source of data corruption.



Short Syntax: SEST.009 No buf for BPDU bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.009 No buffer to send BDPU on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: No packet buffer was available to construct and send a BDPU on the specified port.

Cause: Severe packet buffer shortage.

Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level.

Cause: Traffic peak using all available buffers.

Action: This is the problem if this message occurs infrequently.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.010 Sndg cfg BPDU bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.010 Sending Configuration BPDU on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A Configuration BPDU will be sent on the specified port. This is done normally on a periodic basis as part of the SE spanning tree protocol. The flags field in this BPDU is zero, e.g., neither the Topology Change or the Topology Change Acknowledgement bits are set.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.011 Sndg Cfg BPDU flgs TC TCA bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.011 Sending Configuration BPDU with flags TC TCA on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A Configuration BPDU will be sent on the specified port. This is done normally on a periodic basis as part of the SE spanning tree protocol. TC will be displayed if the Topology Change bit is set in the Flags byte of the BPDU, TCA will be displayed if the Topology Change Acknowledge bit is set in the flags byte.

Cause: The Topology Change flag is set if this bridge is the root and it knows that there is a topology change in process. Also, non-root bridges propogate this bit received in incoming Configuration BPDUs.

Action: None needed, this flag will be set only for the sum of the current maximum age and current forward delay parameters (as propagated by the root bridge).

Cause: The Topology Change Acknowledge flag is set if this bridge has received a Topology Change Notification BPDU, and this port is the Designated Bridge on its LAN.

Action: None needed, this flag will only be sent on one BDPU.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.012 Sndg tcn BPDU bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.012 Sending Topology Change Notification BPDU on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A Topology Change Notification BPDU will be sent on the specified port. These are sent on the root port of non-root ports when they detect a topology change in the spanning tree.

Cause: A bridge, or an interface on a bridge, has gone up or down in this spanning tree.

Action: None needed. This state persists only until a topology change acknowledgement is received, or a timeout that indicates that the old root bridge is no longer reachable.



Short Syntax: SEST.013 BPDU snd failed, rsn reason_code, bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.013 BPDU send failed for reason code reason_code on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port network network interface int/ int_no

Description: The attempt to queue a BPDU for transmission on the specified port failed.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.014 Blocking bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no, det topol chg

Long Syntax: SEST.014 Blocking bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no, detecting topology change

Description: This port has just been placed in Blocking state. This is a change in the topology, so this bridge detects a topology change. This will in turn cause topology change notifications to be sent.

Cause: A bridge, or an interface on a bridge, has gone up or down in this spanning tree.

Action: None needed. This is normal when there are changes.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.015 Topol chg detected bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.015 Topology change detected on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change notification has been received on this port, and this port is the designated port on its LAN. This causes the protocol to enter topology change notification state. The topology change will be acknowledged towards the sender, and propagated towards the root.

Cause: A bridge, or an interface on a bridge, has gone up or down in this Spanning Tree.

Action: None needed. This is normal when there are changes.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.016 Select as root bridge_type- se_id, det topol chg

Long Syntax: SEST.016 Selected as root on bridge_type- se_id, detecting topology change

Description: This bridge has just selected itself as the root of the spanning tree when it previously had not been. This causes the bridge to enter topology change notification state.

Cause: A bridge, or an interface on a bridge, has gone up or down in this spanning tree.

Action: None needed. This is normal when there are changes.

Cause: This is the first bridge up, thus it is the root of the tree.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.017 Tply chg ackd bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.017 Topology change acknowledged on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change acknowledgement has been detected on the specified port. This port is the root port of the bridge.

Cause: Bridge on same LAN as our root port has set topology change acknowledgement flag in outgoing Configuration BDPU. This was in response to a topology change notification that this bridge originated or propagated.

Action: None needed. This is the normal conclusion of topology change notification.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.018 Acking tply chg bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.018 Acknowledging topology change on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change notification is being acknowledged on the specified port. This is done when a topology change notification is received on a port that is the designated port for that LAN.

Cause: Change on bridge topology downstream of this bridge.

Action: None needed. This is a normal part of reconfiguration of the spanning tree.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.019 Tplgy chg notif timer expired bridge_type- se_id

Long Syntax: SEST.019 Topology Change Notification timer expired on bridge_type- se_id

Description: The Topology Change timer expired. This bridge will cease sending topology change notification BPDU's on its root port.

Cause: This timer expires when the bridge has been in Topology Change Notification state for the bridge hello timer period.

Action: None needed, this is the normal conclusion of this state.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.020 Tplgy chg timer expired bridge_type- se_id

Long Syntax: SEST.020 Topology Change timer expired on bridge_type- se_id

Description: The Topology Change timer expired. This bridge, which is the root, will cease sending the Topology Change in its Configuration BPDUs.

Cause: This happens when this root bridge has been in Topology Change state for the sum of current maximum age and current forward delay parameters.

Action: None needed, this is the normal conclusion of this state.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.021 Msg age timer exp bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no, try Root

Long Syntax: SEST.021 Message age timer expired on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no, will try and become root

Description: The message age timer has expired on this port. The bridge will attempt to become the root. It will become the designated port on that LAN.

Cause: No Configuration BPDU's being received on this interface. Either there are no bridges on this LAN, or they are down.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.022 Hello timer exp bridge_type- se_id

Long Syntax: SEST.022 Hello timer expired on bridge_type- se_id

Description: The hello timer has expired on this port. Configuration BPDUs will be sent on all ports.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.023 Stop msg age timer bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.023 Stopping message age timer for bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: Stopping the message age timer on this port because is it the designated port on its LAN.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.024 Not root bridge_type- se_id, stop hello timer

Long Syntax: SEST.024 Not root anymore on bridge_type- se_id, stopping hello timer

Description: This bridge has just decided that it is no longer the root bridge of the spanning tree. The hello timer will also be cancelled.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.025 Stop tplgy chg age timer bridge_type- se_id

Long Syntax: SEST.025 Stopping topology change timer for bridge_type- se_id

Description: Stopping the topology change timer because this bridge is no longer the root.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.026 Root bridge_type- se_id, start hello timer

Long Syntax: SEST.026 Selected as root on bridge_type- se_id, starting hello timer

Description: This bridge has just decided that it is the root bridge of the spanning tree. The hello timer will be started.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.027 Strt msg age timer bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.027 Starting message age timer for bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: Starting the message age timer on this port.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.028 Attmpt root bridge_type- se_id, strt hello timer

Long Syntax: SEST.028 Attempting to become root on bridge_type- se_id, starting hello timer

Description: This bridge is attempting to become the root bridge of the spanning tree. The hello timer will be started.



Short Syntax: SEST.029 Cfg BPDU frame source_address ignored bridge_type- se_id, inact port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.029 Configuration BPDU from source_address on bridge_type- se_id ignored, inactive port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received from the specified MAC address, but the port is not participating in the spanning tree protocol.



Short Syntax: SEST.030 Tcn BPDU frame source_address ign bridge_type- se_id, inact port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.030 Topology change notification BPDU from source_address on bridge_type- se_id ignored, inactive port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A topology change notification BPDU has been received from the specified MAC address, but the port is not participating in the spanning tree protocol.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.031 bridge_type- se_id desig port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.031 bridge_type- se_id becoming designated port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: This bridge is declaring itelf the designated port on the LAN connected to this port.



Short Syntax: SEST.032 DROP: bpdu_type BPDU frame recvd on non-parti port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.032 DROP: bpdu_type BPDU frame received on non-participating port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: BPDU has been received, but the port is not participating in the SE Spanning Tree Protocol.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: SEST.033 BPDU from SE ID bpdu_se_id rcvd frame source_address bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, net- network int int/ int_no

Long Syntax: SEST.033 BPDU from SE ID bpdu_se_id rcvd frame source_address on bridge_type- se_id port bridge_port, network network interface int/ int_no

Description: A configuration BPDU has been received from a SuperELAN bridge participating in different SuperELAN. BPDU is discarded.

Cause: Two SuperELAN interfaces are connected to the same ELAN or This first network implementation is not recommended, since the SuperELAN spanning tree operates only within the context of a single SuperELAN. In this case, the spanning tree may form improperly causing network loops.

Action: Remove SuperELAN interface from the ELAN which has more than one SuperELAN interface attached.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: SEST.034 SE- se_id:Trace incoming SE Spanning Tree frame from ELAN ' elan'

Long Syntax: SEST.034 SE- se_id:Trace incoming SE Spanning Tree frame from ELAN ' elan'

Description: Trace incoming SE Spanning Tree frame.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: SEST.035 SE- se_id:Trace outgoing SE Spanning Tree frame to ELAN ' elan'

Long Syntax: SEST.035 SE- se_id:Trace outgoing SE Spanning Tree frame to ELAN ' elan'

Description: Trace outgoing SE Spanning Tree frame.



Short Syntax: SEST.036 SE- se_id:SPT frame rcvd on ELAN ' elan' fwd by a non-short-cut brdg, frame drop.

Long Syntax: SEST.036 SE- se_id:SPT frame received on ELAN ' elan' forwarded by a non-short-cut bridge, frame dropped.

Description: A SuperELAN Spanning Tree configuration frame was received on an interface that was forwarded by a proxy device which does not support short-cut bridging. The frame is dropped to prevent the SE SPT topology from converging across a non-short-cut network. If message persists, check legacy bridge topology for possible spanning tree errors.



Short Syntax: SEST.037 SE- se_id:Unable to get LES address for ELAN ' elan'

Long Syntax: SEST.037 SE- se_id:Unable to get LES address for ELAN ' elan'

Description: The LEC interface's LES address for the specified ELAN could not be retrieved. If message persists, contact customer support.



Short Syntax: SEST.038 SE- se_id:Cfg BPDU rcvd on ifc from which it was sent ELAN ' elan', frame drop

Long Syntax: SEST.038 SE- se_id:Cfg BPDU received on interface from which it was sent ELAN ' elan', frame dropped

Description: A SuperELAN Configuration BPDU was looped back and received on the interface from which it was sent. BPDU was dropped. Installing SNAP filter '10005A-80D7' to all bridges connected to the SuperELAN will prevent loopback of SE STP BPDU frames.

Fatal sestubpdu 

Short Syntax: Attempt to send unknown SE-BPDU type

Description: The code attempted to send an unknown type of SE-BPDU.

Cause: Possible software bug.

Action: Get crash dump, contact customer service.

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